Become a Member
Global ICF Membership
When you join ICF, you’ll have access to a growing global network of like-minded professional coaches — among so many other benefits. You are eligible...
UK ICF Membership Benefits
A Programme of events - All our webinars and events offer Continuing Coach Eduction Units (CCEU) to support your professional development. UK Chapter...
Global ICF Membership Benefits
We strive to make membership of the ICF one of value so you actively want to participate as a member and advocate joining to other coaches. Global IC...
UK ICF Membership
To be a member of the International Coaching Federation you must meet at least one of the following requirements: Hold a current ICF Credential (ACC, ...
Can I join more than 1 Chapter?
You can join as many Chapters as you would like. However, only one Chapter gets to be designated as your “Home Chapter". It is up to you to affiliate...
Become a CIO Member
Being part of our CIO community enables your organisation to benefit from being part of a network of organisations who, like you, use coaching as a to...