Mentor Coaching
Find a Mentor Coach
To find a Mentor Coach, use our Credentialed Coach Finder. You can turn the Mentor toggle on in the search and filter by client type, credential leve...
How to Become a Mentor Coach
To be a Mentor Coach for credentialing, you must hold a credential at or above the credential level your client seeks. For example, If you are a PCC, ...
Can you confirm if mentor hours can be used for credentialing if they were completed several years ago?
There is no specific time for when your mentoring took place as long as it took place over a period of 3 months with a qualified mentor coach.
Do I have to complete one full cycle to be a mentor when I hold a PCC?
As a PCC credentialed coach, you are automatically eligible to be a mentor coach to anyone applying for their ACC or PCC credential. You do not have t...
Can I use my Mentor Coaching Hours as CCEs?
Yes, you can use up to 10 hours as Core Competency CCEs. The required documentation would be: mentee(s) name, email address, credential level, sta...